Westminster Presbyterian

Sumter, South Carolina -

Denomination: Presbyterian -- PCA
Church Size: 151 to 250
Phone: 8037737235

We are a loving, welcoming 180-person church family with a growing staff in Sumter, SC. We value worship, community, and growth. Our commitment to these three values is displayed in these three areas of focus:

Gospel Living

The gospel is the good news that God rescues sinners from the curse of sin through the Lord Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Because we believe this good news, we worship, we meet together regularly in community, we reach out to the community around us, and we seek to grow in living in light of the Triune God’s grace to us.

Training Generations

The good news of Jesus is good news to every generation! We want the young, the old, and everyone in-between to live out what it means to believe in and follow Jesus. So we train ourselves and others to worship, to love and engage others, and to seek to grow in Christ-like character.

Bridging Communities

As we believe and live out of the good news of Jesus, we learn to love our neighbors as ourselves. We seek to break down the walls of hostility and build bridges between various divided communities. Our belief is that barriers of racial, denominational, political, and various other differences can be crossed beause of the gospel.