Contrast Church

Columbus, Ohio -

Denomination: Non-Denominational
Church Size: 251 to 350
Phone: 8147719424

A B O U T   C O N T R A S T   C H U R C H


Contrast Church was planted in the Grandview area of Columbus, OH in the fall of 2020 with 50 people before COVID. The name came from a recurring dream based on “being the light” in our spheres of influence so that people would come to know and follow Jesus.

4 years later, and 275 people who call Contrast home, we have our permanent facility, “the KING,” and an awesome community of passionate, formation-focused followers of Jesus combined with a lot of spiritual nomads/ex-Christians.



Our church is made up mostly of those in their early/mid 20s, to mid 30s. Pulling a large draw from Ohio State’s graduates, we have become a well-known formation-focused church for twentysomethings. We are starting to see those who started the church with us have families and grow with our church as well. This is adding to our kids ministry which is about 15% of our church.

Grandview sits just beside the OSU campus, and has been known as one of the best places to transition out of college into young adult, career life. Grandview is one of the most popular areas in Columbus for food, coffee, date-nights and more. It has been on the top schools of Ohio list for several years over the past decade. It boasts a “city-living” while still maintaining some space for parking and a back yard ;) 


P H I L O S O P H Y / C H U R C H   C U L T U R E 

Our mission is to: help people follow Jesus and His way, together. We root everything out of John 15, Jesus and the Vine and his call for us to abide in Him. 

Our formation philosophy includes a practice-based focus on spiritual disciplines, countercultural living, and robust discipleship. We have published a book which sets the foundation for our philosophy, as well as intentionally thinking through our discipleship in 2-5 year increments due to the transient nature of our area. We have started initiatives such as our 24/7 prayer room, the Quiet Year (see on our website for more details), and leadership cohorts for extensive learning and growth. We have pulled from similar thinkers (John Mark Comer at PTW, Jon Tyson at COTC, and more).

Our missional convictions include avoiding a “large church” culture/pursuit, and planting life giving churches (within the next two years), as well as table-centered hospitality in our homes and neighborhoods.