Parkston Congregational Church

Parkston, South Dakota -

Denomination: Unknown
Church Size: 101 to 150
Phone: 6057593084


209 W. Teek St.  P.O. Box 693, Parkston SD  57366

Ph.  605-928-3866   Email:

Member of the Conservative Christian Congregational Church


            Our passion is to obey Jesus’ commands to love God, love others, and make disciples.  


Parkston Congregational Church is currently accepting resumes with cover letters for the position of Pastor.            




Parkston Congregational Church has historical roots dating back to the 1880s.   German homesteaders sought to have a place for fellowship and spiritual growth and thus our story began as part of the General Conference of German Congregational Churches.  Three country churches served the wider community in those days: Hoffnungsburg Church, Friedensfeld Congregational Church and Zion Congregational Church.   Due to greater need of pastoral care, each of these congregations disbanded between 1946-1947 with many folks becoming active members at the Salem Congregational Church in Parkston.   

In 1957  the Evangelical, the Reformed and the Congregational Christian Churches formed the  United Church of Christ (UCC).  By 1963, the General conference of German Congregational Churches was dissolved and merged into the United Church of Christ. At the time, Salem Congregational Church officially changed its name to Salem United Church of Christ.   

As the UCC began to lose its spiritual moorings, (evident as leadership began to make compromises so to adapt to the moral and social changes of the world around us), God led Salem UCC to leave the denomination in 2019.   The church was approved to join the Conservative Christian Congregational Conference and renamed itself Parkston Congregational Church.




Community:                Small town


Pastoral Ministry:       Single Pastoral Staff with parttime Secretary


Governing System:      Congregational with Church Council of Deacons and Trustees.


Size:                             101-250         Average worship attendance mid 50’s to 60’s

                                    Budget:          $172,360.00      (includes missions of $4,500.00)


Membership profile:   

                                    25%  Profession / nonagricultural  (Medical, Education)

                                    40%  Profession / agricultural

                                    35%  Retired



Church Facilities:        Sanctuary (remodeled 2010)  Main floor with Balcony, full sound system    Seats approximately 250 +


                                    Education Spaces:       Classrooms in Church basement; fully renovated with new flooring in 2021


                                    Fellowship hall accommodates 150 + with Large kitchen facilities.


                                    Church office with spacious Pastor’s study located by fellowship hall entrance.


                                    Parsonage:      Built in 1957, 1956 Square feet.  Living area interior totally updated in 2014, Attached garage and unfinished basement



Theological Distinctives:         Conservative Evangelical.        Currently we use NIV for services

                                                Sacraments of Infant Baptism and monthly communion

                                                Woman are approved to serve in roles of leadership























            Sunday Morning Worship @ 10:00                

                        Communion is monthly.   Music leans to traditional with organ/piano.  Congregation is learning newer music in the worship style of Sovereign Grace Music and the Gettys.   Worship service includes a variety of liturgical expression.


             Currently there is one adult Sunday school class prior to morning service.  There is also a Women’s Bible study on Monday nights.

                        Children and teens with a growing number from community attend WOW and CYU weekly meetings with mid-week dinner and Sunday school curriculum for all ages.

                        Pastor teaches a two-year Biblical confirmation class for teenage kids.


            We actively support several mission programs.

            Parkston Congregational Church also seeks to be part of the local community through various outreach to meet needs of others, and through the local ministerial.






            Parkston offers a growing family many opportunities.  You can check out our town by going to     Our town with a population of 1500, has a small hospital (connected with Avera Medical System in Sioux Falls) and full emergency services.  There is a community grocery store, a dollar general and Runnings, a local hardware store.   There is also a full-service pharmacy.   We are within easy reach of Mitchell, (20 Miles north with  a larger population of 15,000).  Mitchell lies along the I -90 corridor and has several larger grocery store options, a regional Cabela’s, a great selection of hotels and restaurants, and not to forget the famous Corn Palace.  If you have at a taste for the larger city life, the city of Sioux Falls is only 75 miles to our east.


            Parkston has so much to offer for a growing family.  We have a good local educational system with scholastic and athletic programs for all ages and all sports. There are also two community parks, one with a newly built amphitheater with an excellent variety of music programs during the summer months.   The public pool is nice size and is enjoyed by all ages during the summer months.  Our state is famous for Pheasant hunting and fishing and those opportunities are abundant in our local area.











            We are seeking a pastor who loves the Lord with all his heart and seeks to encourage us to follow God’s call upon our lives.

            We are seeking a pastor who is strong in his preaching and teaching of God’s word.  We prefer expositional preaching, but we are open to other types as well.  

            The person God calls to our church will share a love for God’s people and for outreach to the community of which we trust their family will actively take part.




            Parkston CC has recently come out of a lukewarm denomination and for many years the church as a whole was not being presented with the true meaning of God’s word and how to seek God’s help to live out God’s call on our lives.    There is a growing desire among the congregation for spiritual growth.  There is a great opportunity for the development of discipleship programs and missional mindset.   


Should God move your heart to apply for this position of ministry.  Please send your materials to:


James Gramm   


             While we prefer you email your information,  hard copies may be sent to


            James Gramm

            Co-Chair of Pastoral Search Committee

            700 S. 1st Street,   Parkston, SD   57366


            Phone  605 -759-3084









Statement of faith


We believe the Bible consisting of the Old and New Testament, to be the only inspired, inerrant, infallible, authoritative Word of God written.
We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the deity of Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
We believe that for salvation of lost and sinful man regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by Whose indwelling power and fullness the Christian is enabled to live a godly life in this present evil world.
We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
We believe in the spiritual unity of all believers in Christ.

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