River Road Presbyterian Church

Richmond, Virginia -

Denomination: Presbyterian -- PCUSA
Church Size: 151 to 250
Phone: 8047044522

Located in the beautiful West End of Richmond, Virginia, we are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. We affirm and welcome every race, gender, marital status, orientation, and financial situation. We do this because Jesus welcomes all of us the same way.

We offer two very different worship services. One is traditional and liturgical, the other is non-liturgical, conversational and informal. The same message is preached at both services, and we cross-promote each service, encouraging attenders to attend whereever they feel the most comfortable and connected. In 2023 the attendance at each service was about equal. Most of our newest members are young families with small children. 

Our congregation gives significantly to the community, donating more than a ton of food items in 2023, over $30,000 to families in crisis, and thousands more to service projects and our charity partners. 

Our music programs remained quite strong despite the departure of the full-time director about a year ago, thanks to excellent interim directors and the unwavering commitment of our volunteers, musicians, praise team, and choir members.