Located in a town of 750 people and surrounded by farmland, Faith Community has about 350 adults, youth, and children attending worship services and Sunday Children's Minsitry each weekend. Faith Community draws from a greater than 20 mile radius which includes a number of small towns and a gated community development, Lake Summerset. There are approximately 260 members of Faith Community. Faith Community is made up of people with diverse occupational backgrounds, including professionals, educators, farmers, construction workers, and people of industry to name a few. The church includes individuals and families across the entire age spectrum.
Faith Community Church staff includes a Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor of Students, Associate Pastor of Assimilation, Worship Ministry Director, Women's Ministry Director, Children's Ministry Director, as well as multiple part-time ministry support positions.
Faith Community offers two Sunday morning worship services, both contemporary style services.
Faith Community is an Elder-led church.
A more detailed church profile is made available to applicants who are invited into the candidate process and we are always eager to answer any questions a prospective candidate may have.