Our mission is to connect the South Knoxville community and beyond to Christ and His kingdom. We strive to accomplish this individually and as a church body through the following core values:
- Gospel Proclaiming - We believe in the truth of the Gospel as the basis for our faith and its transforming work in the lives of God’s people.
- Worship Encouraging - We personally encounter a Holy God through preaching, singing, praying, tithing and cross-shaped living.
- Disciple Building - We make relationships with others through Bible Fellowship and one-on-one time as we seek to develop character, biblical knowledge and ministry skills in ourselves and others.
- Evangelistic Reaching - We connect to the community through church-wide events and individual encounters that share the love of Christ whenever and wherever.
- Strategic Sending - We know the church is an army relying on the Holy Spirit to lead us where He calls us.