Northland Church

Longwood, Florida -

Denomination: Non-Denominational
Church Size: 2501 to 3000
Phone: 4079497176


Northland Church was founded in the prayers of a handful of faithful people who lived and ministered in Central Florida in the 1960s and 70s. Over the years, Northland has grown into a church of thousands, many of which engage online and have never stepped foot into the building. Northland has a vision to engage people to be fully alive in Jesus. They believe relationships form the church, not the walls.


Our beliefs are the foundation of our faith and the Scripture based teachings we desire to pass along to our congregation and community.


Jesus made an amazing declaration: “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” For Northland, our aim is to see the Life movement Jesus launched continue into the 21st century.

The scope of what He came to do is way more than inventing some religion and introducing a thing called church that happens in buildings on Sunday mornings. It’s a goal aimed at the renewal of the cosmos and it starts with us as His image bearers.

The Gospel enables us to dance as human beings to the glory of God — to do that in community, to do that in our culture, and to see salt and light unleashed by the church, not just by yelling orthodoxy at a culture, but by also demonstrating vibrancy.

?Put simply: We believe the church is more than a place you come to on Sundays ... it's people. People fully alive in Jesus — not just lung-breathing, heart-beating life, but abundant, thriving Life that can only come from Him.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” – John 10:10 (NIV)