Kingsburg First Baptist

Kingsburg, California -

Denomination: Baptist
Church Size: 351 to 500
Phone: 559-897-3310

First Baptist is a church who strives to be Kingdom-Minded, Gospel-Centered, Spirit-Led, and Mission-Focused. We are investing heavily in the next generation of leadership. We are a multi-generational church with a high value on intergenerational relationships. Our church is a mix of young couples and young families, students and singles, middle-aged and seniors - all worshiping together. We strive to create an atmosphere that is both welcoming and engaging to new people. Our foundation keeps us on track to Believe, Belong, and Become all God desires for us as a church. This includes fostering healthy local, national, and global vision. We believe the Great Commission is still in effect and part of our mission as a body. As a training center, we develop interns, apprentices, and residents equipped to become pastors, church planters, international missionaries, and to serve in marketplace ministries. We are an active partner in the Converge Conference of Churches (formerly the Baptist General Conference). 

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