In 2008, God launched a work in the Treasure Valley that has truly been a miracle to witness. It started when an existing church chose to humbly close its doors and help fund a new church that would reach unchurched people and disciple them. Bill Heydorn & Justin Jordan along with their families came together to lead this church because of God's calling. We as Jesus’ church embarked on the journey of reaching the 357,000 people in the Treasure Valley who don't know Jesus as Lord and Savior. We did this in partnership with our supporting church, Real Life Ministries located in Post Falls, ID. We continue today because of God’s faithfulness and because of many people's generosity, investment & partnership with us.
On October 12, 2008, we met for the first time at Edward's Theater in Boise, Idaho. Those facilities met our needs for a time, but as we grew we needed a more accommodating facility. In 2010 we moved to Mountain View High School in Meridian, Idaho. God brought together the leaders of the church along with their families to continue to build upon what the Lord had already done with the power of the Holy Spirit.
On October 14, 2018 through much prayer and discussion as an eldership, we communicated to the congregation on our 10th anniversary that we had located a facility that we believed God wanted us to pursue to become our home base in the Treasure Valley. Over the course of the next 12 months, the building and lot were purchased, renovated and we officially moved into the building on November 3rd, 2019 with record attendance.
On January 26th, 2025 we will be launching a 3rd service to accomodate the growth of our congregation. With in person and online attendance we are over 400 people in attendance and anticipating connecting and discipling more people with the launch of an additional service.
God has been gracious to us and we feel very blessed to see all of the people God brings each week to our church. With all of the blessings and detours along the way, we have learned to trust God more. Bottom line, “We exist to reach the world for Jesus, one person at a time!" We seek to hear from Jesus each day, to stay in step with His Spirit & put God the Father on display. We seek to be a church that makes disciples who make disciples. We mobilize as a church into our community to serve and meet needs. We multiply leaders and disciple makers. We do all of this in relationship with Jesus and real relationship with others. This is the heartbeat of our church.