We believe that God wants to transform the world for the better, and we believe that God is going to do that through the church and through people like you. That’s what it’s all about—people. Our desire to be the church is not so great as our desire to organize, gather, and build a community of people being transformed by God. We want to build community, not a crowd. And we want o create space for you to be known, and live out your passion in reckless abandon to God. That’s why we want to be a network of small faith communities engaged in bold acts of faith and mission.
More than anything else, we want to see new people be transformed by the person and power of Jesus.
One of the best ways to make new disciples of Jesus Christ is by encountering the living God through dynamic worship, having intentional relationships, engaging in risk-taking mission, and finding ways to expand each of these through faithful multiplication. That's our mission, and it guides everything we do.
We have a simple philosophy here at Central City. It's in response to a lot of churches that we grew up in. You see, in church we were always expected to learn first how to behave, then what to believe, and—if we got those things right—we could belong.
At Central City, we flip the script.
We want people to know they belong here first and foremost. It's in the midst of belonging that we learn what it means to believe and behave.
As such, our commitment to every visitor is summazied by the following:
You’ll never be judged, no matter who you are, or what you believe.
You can share the real you, as much or as little as you want.
Your views on science or politics don’t have to be checked at the door.
You will never be expected to hide your doubts or questions.
You won’t be forced to do something you disagree with.
This is why we’ve set out on a journey—a journey to be a church for cynics, doubters, and thinkers. A church for people like you, with all your fears, questions, strengths, and beauty. A church for the city.