Islands Community Church

Friday Harbor, Washington -

Denomination: Non-Denominational
Church Size: under 50
Phone: 3603784154


Islands Community Church (ICC) was formed in 1979 by a group of Christians from several different backgrounds who felt the need for a new fellowship on San Juan Island. They decided to organize a group based on the essential fundamentals of evangelical Christianity, leaving the non-essentials to the individual in his or her own relationship with God. Built in 1987, the 5-acre property of ICC is free from debt and includes a two-story building with sanctuary (seats 200+), fellowship hall with kitchen, and 5 classrooms, There is also a parsonage (3 bdrm, 2 bath) on the property, as well as a playground and athletic field.

ICC is a multi-generational congregation of approximately 35 members and additional seasonal visitors. ICC has been without a full-time pastor for a little over one year. We have a three person elder board, one deacon, a paid pulpit teacher, and 5-6 other members who serve in volunteer roles. Currently our ministries include: have two active women's Bible studies, a men's breakfast/Bible study, monthly prayer meeting, and occasional Adult Education courses.


At Islands Community Church, we are committed to:

WORSHIP: Gathering regularly with the specific purpose of actively glorifying God together in worship.
EQUIP: Developing Christian maturity in every believer for an effective ministry in the church and in the world.
CARE: Developing supernatural, redeeming, and loving relationships among its members.
WITNESS: Proclaiming the gospel throughout our community, unto the uttermost parts of the earth.


Our vision for the future involves spreading a passion for Christ, reigniting our congregation's devotion to God, developing new leaders, and reaching out to others in our community.

We want to reinvigorate and develop ministries that meet the needs of our church and community, including adult Bible studies, child/youth/family ministry, evangelism and vibrant worship.

ICC has a core group of members who are committed to coming alongside the bi-vocational pastor to accomplish this vision.We are seeking the path that the Lord has for us in our individual lives, in our community, and in His Kingdom.