Sugar Creek Baptist Church

Sugar Land, Texas -

Denomination: Baptist --SBC
Church Size: over 10000
Phone: 281-242-2858


At Sugar Creek our mission is WHAT we do. That mission is “To love and lead all people to life change in Christ.”


Why we do what we do is expressed by a set of six core values. These values guide our planning and decision making on a daily basis. They help us separate great choices from good choices.

These values are:

Truth Matters –because the Bible is God’s inspired, inerrant and infallible Word, it is truth for all people.
Total Dependence on God – because  apart from God we can do nothing.
High Expectation –because God is worthy of our best, He deserves our greatest commitment.
Eternal Impact – because we seek to make a forever difference in people’s lives.
Mutual Respect –because all people matter to God, we treat one another with love and respect.
Generational Relevance – because every generation matters to God, we communicate the unchanging message of Christ to an ever changing world.


Loving and leading all people to life change in Christ sounds great, but how do we do it? At Sugar Creek, we believe biblical life change occurs as we commit to four key areas of spiritual development. These are: Worship, Connect, Serve, and Share. As we worship, connect, serve, and share on an consistent basis, we experience the life change found in following Jesus.

A a large gathering of God’s people which leads us to respond to God through inspiring music and relevant teaching/preaching of God’s Word. It calls us to engage in Discipleship.

Smaller group gatherings of God’s people who come together in biblical community to further explain Bible truth for spiritual transformation while equipping believers to care for one another and to serve the body of Christ.

Servant teams responding to meet ministry needs within the Body of Christ through grace-based giving of time, abilities, and resources according to their spiritual gifts and passions while learning to demonstrate and declare God’s grace with those who may be far from God.


Individuals, families and teams of believers declaring and demonstrating the story of redemption anywhere and everywhere with those who may be far from God; practicing a culture of invitation actively inviting people into the body life of Sugar Creek Baptist Church.



Life Change Indicators

When do we know we have succeeded at what we are doing? The WHEN is expressed by a set of life change indicators. A dashboard of spiritual attributes that we believe demonstrate spiritual maturity.

These are:

Commits to God and His family
Helps others know God
Actively practices spiritual disciplines
Nurtures authentic relationships
Gives back to God
Exercises spiritual gifts in service

If you choose to call Sugar Creek your home church, these beliefs also frame your journey. There are many possible destinations. And many possible paths to reach those destinations. These core beliefs help us take a common path to arrive at our desired destination.