Gateway Branson Church

Branson, Missouri -

Denomination: Non-Denominational
Church Size: 151 to 250
Phone: 417.335.9915

Gateway Branson is all about helping unchurched people become a unified community of growing, multiplying Christ followers. Everyone is welcome at Gateway regardless of what you think about church, God or religion. You don’t have to dress up, just come as you are. Gateway Branson Internet Campus is a place where God meets people who are far from perfect. This church is for people who really don’t like church. This is a safe place for skeptics and doubters to ask their questions. We know lots of people have been burned by church experiences in the past. We hope this is a safe place where everyone can sort out authentic faith in a very real God and begin to experience it themselves.


Our purpose as a church is simply to “Love God and Love Others.” We get that purpose from the bible in the book of Mark, Chapter 12 where it says, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”  Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  No other commandment is greater than these.”

That’s why we say “No Perfect People Allowed.” We want to be known as a church full of messy people. A church where atheists, agnostics, sinners, addicts, alcoholics, homeless, divorced, and people with all kinds of issues can walk thru our doors. A church where God can heal, restore and redeem our issues for significant life change. A church that draws outsiders in and insiders are known for their compassion and generosity. A church that turns our community upside down!