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First day on the jobJob Search

23 Tips for Your First Day on the Job

The first day on the job will usually be the most memorable and can simultaneously be the most nerve-wracking. There are new people to meet, new technological systems to learn, and a new space to navigate. Preparing for your first day is key. To get started on your first-day game…
March 1, 2022
Church Leadership

4 Reasons You Can’t Land a Perfect Candidate

Hiring can be a stressful and tedious process as you search for a qualified candidate that will fit your company’s culture and add to your current team dynamic. This is an important decision that will affect everyone in your office and the overall success of your organization. With that in…
March 1, 2022
Church Leadership

27 Important Qualities of a Leader

John Maxwell said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” Organizations can flourish under great leadership and falter under poor leadership. So, what qualities form a person into someone that can lead their organizations to flourish? Here are 27 of these qualities that a great leader should embody: 1. Humility. C.S.…
February 8, 2022
HiringInterview Tips

How to Hire a Youth Pastor

A youth pastor plays a critical role in the life of a church. They are tasked with discipling the next generation by building a strong foundation for their faith. Many adults who are strong in the faith can look back to a youth pastor and youth ministry that shaped their…
January 19, 2022