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Church Leadership

Get helpful church leadership advice and tips for leading your church from our church leadership articles and resources.

Clock on the wallChurch Leadership

Time Management Tips for Pastors 

Pastors have very busy schedules. Pastoring a church can be one of the most demanding jobs that someone can have. There are countless needs of the individual people on top of all of the organizational responsibilities, such as volunteer teams, the board, finances, and program planning. (Notice that the responsibility…
April 3, 2023
Team Fist BumpChurch Leadership

How to Maintain Unity in Your Church Business Meeting

Church business meetings can be stressful and high stakes. Whether you're talking budgets, attendance numbers, metrics, building projects, strategies, staff transitions, staffing needs, or many other important topics, church business meetings can create tense moments with different opinions and voices weighing in. This is especially true when there's a major…
March 20, 2023
church staff at a tableChurch Leadership

5 Tips for Leading a Church Staff

One of the hardest shifts that a pastor will make is going from carrying all ministry load to leading a group of people primarily carrying the ministry load. Most bible colleges and seminaries don’t train pastors on leading a church staff. So, the pastor goes into the ministry with an…
September 20, 2022
An overwhelmed man staring at his computer while at his deskChurch Leadership

Help! I’m Thinking about Leaving the Ministry…

In 2021, Barna released a study about U.S. Pastors thinking about quitting the ministry. In this study, important information surfaced about the well-being of pastors in the U.S. They measured things like emotional, spiritual, financial, relational, and physical well-being. The results were alarming. Here was the response from that survey,…
September 15, 2022
young adults talkingChurch Leadership

10 Easy Steps to Start a Young Adult Ministry

The ministries we tend to see in churches across the board are youth, women’s, men’s, children’s, etc. The ministry that is not everywhere, however, is Young Adult ministry. Young adults are the people in the age range of 18-30. It is not always easy to get connected with other people…
September 5, 2022
two women having a church staff evaluationChurch Leadership

How to Lead Helpful Church Staff Evaluations

Church staff evaluations often get a bad name. Most people get the mental picture of being told how bad they are doing and being surprised at where the management thinks they are failing. So, evaluations can be viewed as negative and avoided by church leadership due to the uncomfortable view. …
August 19, 2022