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7 Ways to Know if Children’s Ministry is the Right Position for You

By July 20, 2022Job Search
little boy with a bible

Children’s ministry is one of the most critical ministries within the church; why? Because it raises the next generation of God-fearing disciple-makers. In the 1990s – 2000s, the age most kids would choose to continue in their faith or leave was between high school and college. Now, the age has moved to about 6th grade. Children’s ministry is even more vital to focus on than ever before. It is an exciting, impactful section of the church that needs leaders ready to serve the most vulnerable and the family unit as a whole. How do you know if that position is truly where you need to pour your heart? Here are 7 ways to know if children’s ministry is the right position for you:

1. Lean toward administration.

Possibly one of the most surprising things about children’s ministry is the number of administrative tasks involved. The kids in the children’s ministry will only attend if someone drives them.  The family, parents, and others that may take them to and from children’s ministry events need thoughtful, persistent communication to ensure they are informed of all that is happening.  Organizing supplies, leaders, etc. are all part of the behind-the-scenes that makes children’s ministry successful. 

Do you love organizing or exhibit administrative gifting? Children’s ministry might be for you.

2. Desire to reach the whole family

Like above, it is imperative to remember that teaching kids is just a minor portion of all that children’s ministry entails. You genuinely are ministering to the whole family.  For some, the kids are the ones that wake the family up and persuade them to arrive at church. For others, they are dragged along in the parents’ effort to instill Godly principles. The list goes on and on of the amount of baggage and trials that might accompany a family as they walk into the church building. So, although you may lead those who minister to the kids, you are reaching the whole family. Kids’ excitement, greeting parents, and engaging with them about life can all result in life change.

Love to reach the entire family? Children’s ministry might be for you. 

3. View on children’s ministry in the church as a whole.

There is a deep understanding among children’s ministers that children’s ministry is the best part of the church.  The excited faces, morning energy, and race to their class are unparalleled. There are a lot of fun activities (we all know adult Bible study classes are not using glue, glitter, and popsicle sticks to remind them of the story for the week). So do you still want to know ways to know if children’s ministry is the right position for you? One of the best reasons is that there is a huge potential in reaching the whole family through the life and excitement of the child that attends. Last but certainly not least, there are a lot of opportunities for life change when teaching children, as third grade is around the age children can begin comprehending their need for a Savior. 

In your view, is children’s ministry the best place to be in the church? Children’s ministry might be for you. 

4. Giftings.

We need not underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit in gifting the lives of every believer with gifts to build up and strengthen the body of Christ. There are an abundance of tests to help determine spiritual gifts, but also looking deep into your life and conversations with God can also help you discover the gifts bestowed upon you. Several gifts lend themselves well to the children’s ministry world. Some of those are (but not limited to): shepherding, discipleship, administration, teaching, and helping. Gifts like shepherding, discipleship, and teaching all directly relate to pouring into and leading others. Gifts like administration and helping cover the behind-the-scenes it takes, including all the policies and procedures needed to run a successful ministry for children.

Do any of these giftings align with what you feel the Holy Spirit has given you? Children’s ministry might be for you. 

5. Ability to communicate to kids on their level.

Kids are comical, right? You never know really what you are going to get, or what they will share with you. You may think they are not listening, but most of the time they are soaking in every word. Even at their age, kids are very intuitive and understand things at their level. Wholly Kids is a great resource from Lifeway that looks at every year in a child’s life and outlines their emotional, social, spiritual, and physical development needs.  Kids are continuing to develop their understanding of abstract concepts, i.e. God and the fact Jesus is alive, but they are not on an adult level. We cannot communicate with them as such. Therefore, kids need to be talked to and taught on their level of understanding.  Even the word baptism might be difficult to understand. 

If you can or want to learn how to communicate with children on their level? Children’s ministry might be for you.

6. Willingness to continue learning and engage kids where they are at.

Children’s ministry is ever-growing and changing, as are today’s kids. Their school, sports, dance, and home life look drastically different than years past. Children’s ministry leaders must be diligent in learning to reach all kids where they are, with all that is thrown at them daily. They must work and be willing to grow and receive training. Trial and error on events will happen as the ways to reach families will evolve, especially in a pandemic-related world.  Making conferences, podcast listening, and book reading a priority is a great way to continue to reach the youngest generation. You can also check our resources like this: 13 Super Simple Ways to Make Sunday School Fun

Are you willing to work hard to engage kids where they are in their life stage? Children’s ministry might be for you. 

7. Calling.

This is certainly last, but not least.  Calling is actually the most important.  One cannot move into ministry without a calling from God, or at least it would be very difficult.  Especially in children’s ministry, there are a lot of behind the scene factors that are involved. If you want to join just to be center stage, the funny guy, etc, it will be very difficult to communicate with families and lead volunteers.  A calling to children’s ministry may be close to verbal or might be a culmination of circumstances where you can see God’s hand in your life moving to this particular avenue. You may feel you stumbled upon this idea of children’s ministry, but if you look back on your life, see where God has moved you and called you to this point. Need help discovering your calling? This may help.

Feel called? Children’s ministry might be for you.

Remember, God equips and qualifies the called. Deep in your spirit, God may be stirring in you a love for the littlest, for the family, for the kids in foster care, for the kids who have never heard the name of Jesus yet. You may have giftings undiscovered, a calling suppressed, and an impeccable talent for organization.  All of these may be ways to know that children’s ministry is the right position for you, but you probably already know, right? God is doing a great thing in the children’s ministries around the world and the invitation to join is always open.