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The Comprehensive Guide to Writing a Church Administrative Assistant Job Description

So, you’re looking to hire a church administrative assistant? Administrative assistants are the unsung heroes who keep the church office running smoothly. Writing a job description that attracts the perfect candidate can be a bit tricky. No worries, though! We’ve created this comprehensive guide to writing a church administrative assistant job description to help make it easier for you! 

Why is a well-written job description so important? Well, it serves as potential candidates’ first impression of your church and the role they will be stepping into. It outlines the responsibilities and expectations and showcases your church’s unique culture and values. A compelling job description will attract talented individuals who resonate with your mission and are eager to contribute their skills and passion to the church’s work. Here is the comprehensive guide to writing a church administrative assistant job description:

Getting Started

As you consider the job description, there are several factors to be mindful of throughout the entire posting:

1. Personality

Your writing should reflect the personality and culture of your church. Just because it is an official job description doesn’t mean it has to be boring!

2. Basic Needs

You will want to determine ahead of time what kind of hours this job will be. Full-time? Part-time? Are there any Sunday or weekend expectations? Ensure all of this is figured out before you write the job description. This will help you write something that has clear expectations laid out.

Give an Overview of the Role

What does it mean to be an administrative assistant for your church? For some churches, it means basic administrative responsibilities and some receptionist work, while other churches may treat this as an assistant to the lead pastor. Help paint the picture right in the initial description. There will be time to lay out all of the responsibilities and role requirements, but here, you want to make the job sound great! 

State Job Expectations and Responsibilities

The job expectations and responsibilities will be the main section of your job description. This is the most important part! In this section, you want to include everything pertaining to the role and what you expect from the person in this role. Here are some things you’ll want to include and consider:

1. Working Hours

Will they work full-time or part-time? Are there specific days and hours you want them in the office? Will they work from your church office, or can they complete their responsibilities at home? Will Sunday be a work day? If so, is there a different day of the week your church office is closed (e.g., Fridays)? 

2. Direct Reports

Who will they report to? The lead pastor? An executive pastor? Other staff members? Make this plain and clear!

3. Expectations

Does this candidate need to attend your church? If so, be sure to include this in the job description. Are there certain Sunday attendance expectations? Are there any other specific days or night services you want them to participate in? Be sure to share all of this upfront. This will avoid issues with your administrative assistant later. Full disclosure of all expectations will help eliminate any confusion or conflict down the road. 

4. Responsibilities

What will their job responsibilities be? A church administrative assistant can mean many different things, so this is your opportunity to really define the role and make it very clear. Since this is the comprehensive guide to writing a church administrative assistant job description, we will include many examples of what responsibilities an administrative assistant may have:

5. Managing the Church Office

From keeping files organized to maintaining databases, you’ll be the go-to person for everything administrative.

6. Answering the Church Phone

You’ll be the friendly voice on the phone and the speedy fingers behind the keyboard, answering calls and emails gracefully and efficiently. 

7. Manage the Church’s Social Media

From Facebook to Instagram to YouTube, you’ll help respond to comments, post new content, and manage communication with our church congregation via social media platforms.

8. Event Coordination and Management

You’ll be behind the scenes, ensuring events, meetings, and appointments run like clockwork. From scheduling resources and vendors to organizing volunteer teams, you’ll help keep things moving in the right direction for all events.

9. Make Copies and Prepare Resources

As the administrative assistant, you’ll help print weekly bulletins, ensure the Kid’s Ministry has its weekly handouts, and help with any other resources needed each week.

10. Light Bookkeeping

Assist with weekly deposits, receipt management, and overseeing budgets. 

11. Staff Meetings

You’ll attend our weekly staff meetings, take notes, and help keep track of any important action items. 

12. Manage Office Supplies

You’ll manage inventory, order supplies, and keep things running smoothly.

13. Calendar Management

You will be the main point of contact for the lead pastor’s calendar. As congregants request pastoral care meetings, you will coordinate them and schedule them.

List Candidate Qualifications

What are the qualifications needed for this role? Are there things that are required and others that are optional? Here’s where you’d include that! Here are a few qualification items to consider:

  1. Education
  2. Experience
  3. Experience with any tools or programs you use (Ex: Planning Center, Church Community Builder)
  4. Church membership or attendance (This could be in your church or any church)
  5. Any other important requirements needed

Share Unique Identifiers of Your Church

Why would someone want to work with your church? Are there certain initiatives you have to reach the local community? Do you have an exceptional kids program? What are the things that make your church uniquely you? Include those things to help paint a picture of the amazing community they would be a part of. You want to find candidates who align with your mission, vision, and culture; this is a great way to highlight that.

Include Additional Pertinent Information

Is there anything else they should know? Are there any other parts of the job that aren’t listed already? As you review your church administrative assistant job description, make sure nothing is left out. Then, if a detail isn’t listed in the above suggestions, be sure to include it before you post the job. It’s really important to be fully transparent in the search process to find the best candidate for your church. Without transparency, you may find candidates who are good fits but not great fits because they don’t know all of the details. Details will help eliminate confusion and questions and lead you to some of the best applicants!

Remember, finding the right person to support your church staff and operations is essential, so take the time to attract candidates who align with your mission and values. Our comprehensive guide to writing a church administrative assistant job description should help you do just that! Now, post that job description confidently, knowing you’re one step closer to finding the perfect administrative assistant for your church. 

Need more information about the general how-tos or layout of a job description? Check out these 7 Keys to a Successful Job Posting.