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41 Things You Can Say and Do to Actually Encourage Your Volunteers 

By March 6, 2024May 14th, 2024Church Leadership, Hiring

Volunteering at a local church can be very rewarding personally but also can equally feel just as deflating. Volunteers usually have only two days off for a weekend. They work all week at thankless jobs where most are experiencing misery. Then they come to church to serve and sometimes it can be a very thankless task. One of the keys to retaining volunteers is how a church celebrates and thanks them. A hard job can be made much easier when there is love and gratefulness shown. This is why churches need to have a plan to encourage your volunteers regularly so they can help the volunteers feel valued and see a high retention rate. 

Volunteers need to be encouraged. They face daily battles in their homes and jobs. Because of this, they may bring that discouragement into the church. Most volunteers naturally have a low sense of self-esteem and personal value. This can accelerate their tenure in their role if it is not corrected. Encouraging volunteers needs to be done regularly, specifically, and with a special touch. 

Here are 41 things you can say and do to encourage your volunteers:

1. Write a Personal Thank You Card

Each month at staff meeting the staff can write a personal thank you card to key volunteers who may go unnoticed. 

2. Send a New Volunteer a Thank You Card

A person stepping up to serve is making a huge commitment. Let them know that the pastor and church are thankful. 

3. Text A Volunteer When You Noticed They Did Something Well 

Just saying, “Good job,” isn’t good enough. They need to know specifically what they did a good job with. 

4. Send a “Praying for You Card” Signed by Staff 

Like all of us, volunteers go through times of crisis. They need encouragement. Send them a “Praying for You” card signed by the staff when they are struggling. 

5. Brag on Volunteers Publicly

When there is an opportunity, brag about a volunteer to others.  

6. Send Volunteers Birthday Cards

A department lead should be sending birthday cards to volunteers. They may not get many so this will mean a lot.  

7. Send Volunteers Happy Anniversary Cards

Encourage your volunteers by showing them that you remembered their anniversary!

8. Send their Kids a Birthday Card with a Gift Card. 

This may mean more to them than a personal birthday card on their birthday. 

9. Encourage Volunteers on Tough Anniversaries

Have a department lead keep track of dates such as losses, etc. A card will mean a lot.  

10. Record Short Video Messages

A pastor can easily do this for the volunteers of the month.  

11. Regularly Post About Your Volunteers on the Church’s Social Media 

12. Give Them a Shout Out on Their Personal Social Media Pages, Too! 

Tag them and celebrate them.

13. Brag on Them About Their Children

Encourage your volunteers by sharing positive things that you have noticed about their children. There is no greater feeling than being complimented in this way.

14. Send Thank You Notes from the Senior Pastor to Key Volunteers  

This is such a special way to make volunteers feel appreciated.

15. Write Thank You notes at Monthly Staff Meetings 

Especially for all the different volunteers who are really stepping up. 

16. Take Time to Thank Volunteers Individually On Sundays

Make sure your senior pastor or campus pastor can thank those who are serving at the moment before and after services. 

17. Pray for Volunteers on the Spot 

When your volunteers are going through a tough time, take the opportunity to join them in prayer no matter where you are or what you’re doing. 

18. Remember The Sick and Grieving

Give special attention to those who have had surgery, have been sick, or have had a loss. Make sure they get “extra” attention and care.  

19. Check In With Volunteers and Offer Help

Ask lead volunteers ways they need your help to solve a ministry problem. Help them solve a problem or overcome an obstacle.  

20. Have a Parents’ Night Out for Volunteers 

Volunteer your own time so parents can have a date night. 

21. Give Away Gift Cards

A small token of appreciation to someone going over and beyond will pay huge dividends. 

22. Have a “Volunteer of the Month” Parking Spot 

This is a fun way to celebrate that key volunteer. 

23. Give Them a T-Shirt 

Design and giveaway volunteer t-shirts that they can wear at the church and around town.

24. Give Volunteers Decals for their Vehicles

This is a great way to create community and advertise for your church at the same time!

25. Provide Coffee or a Food Truck

At an annual bash or on a special Sunday, pay for a food truck to come to church. 

26. Have a Massage Therapist Come in for Free Massages

This is a great idea for volunteer appreciation days!

27. Provide Special Breakfast Items for those Serving

Sunday mornings are an excellent time to do this for those who show up early to serve.  

28. Give Away Movie Tickets

Reward volunteers who go above and beyond with a night out at the movies. 

29. Send Volunteers a Meal Through a Mobile Delivery Service

Surprise them and their family with pizza one night!  

30. Bring in Fresh Baked Goods on a Sunday Morning 

Use a local bakery or someone in the church to make fresh baked goods just for the volunteer team.  

31. Give Volunteers Time Off 

Tell them you want their family to take an extra Sunday off one month to enjoy the day and rest. Tell them you notice all the hard work they have put in.  

32. Hold a Volunteer Appreciation Event 

A church should annually host a volunteer appreciation event. This could be a banquet, a fancy awards ceremony, or just a fun day with bounce houses and food trucks. 

33. Buy Them a Cup of Coffee 

Take volunteers out individually for coffee and a chance to catch up. This is another small way to show appreciation. 

34. Buy Them Lunch

A department lead or staff person should randomly take a key volunteer out to lunch. 

35. Host a Dream Team Rally

The Dream Team are the ones who volunteer each Sunday. Get all your most faithful volunteers together before the worship experience to celebrate a win, do a very brief leadership lesson, and then pray over them. This is also a good time to serve communion or let the worship team lead a song of worship. 

36. Hold Roundtable Meetings and Dinners with the Pastor

Give top-performing volunteers a chance to connect with the pastor through a special roundtable and dinner. This is a perfect time for a pastor of a growing church to connect to the hearts of those who are serving on another level in their performance and faithfulness. 

37. Take Time to Have a Conversation 

Get to know your volunteers. Find out about how they are doing, instead of just jumping right into the day’s work. 

38. Call Out Their Servant Hearts

Tell them how much you can tell they love the church by how they serve.

39. Affirm Their Faithfulness

Tell volunteers how their faithfulness has encouraged you specifically.

40. Tell Them Stories of Life Change

Use stories of life change or statistics of salvations and baptisms at a dream rally or during an announcement. Help them to see how they are directly connected through serving. 

41. Show Them the Fruit

Help volunteers see how their serving is directly related to the church’s mission. This is helping them understand their “why.”  

There is a multitude of ways to encourage your volunteers. There should be a weekly plan, monthly and annual plan. These ideas can be used to thank volunteers regularly so they know they are valued and loved. A church should think of a volunteer as a gift from God to be stewarded. Thanking them and taking care of them is an act of stewardship. 

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