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5 Reasons You Need to Hire a Full-Time Children’s Pastor Now

By December 6, 2023May 14th, 2024Church Leadership, Hiring

Matthew 19:14 (NLT) says, “But Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.'” Children matter to Jesus, and they should matter to us. In your church, there are many important roles and positions. There are few more significant, however, than the children’s pastor. While you can do many things on a volunteer level, hiring someone to focus solely on the children of your church is a game-changer. Not only does their focus shift, but it also communicates to your congregation just how important the children are. 

If you do not yet have a full-time children’s pastor, you may want to consider how important they can be. Instead of seeing the children’s pastor as a cost to your church budget, you should consider this hire an investment. The kids’ pastor is an investment with benefits far beyond today. Here are 5 reasons why you need to hire a full-time children’s pastor now.

1. You Are Investing in the Next Generation

In a study recently completed by Barna and Awana, the question was asked, “If today’s kids are to be the church members and church leaders of 2050, how should we change our thinking?” Do you consider the future when you think about your children’s ministry? Are you thinking about how to develop the next generation? These are essential questions to think through and consider. 

Your church needs to hire a full-time children’s pastor now because the future matters today. These leaders are those who are investing in the next generation. They’re not just taking care of the children of your church, but they are shaping tomorrow. While you may be able to justify other hires and their significance first, nothing is more critical than discipling and developing the future. 

2. You Are Investing in Families

Many think of the children’s pastor as someone great at investing in children. The truth is they are supporting and leading the entire family. The children’s pastor is one of the few positions in your church that touches the lives of every family member. Yes, they lead and pastor the children, but they interact with parents weekly. 

When there is a challenge or problem with a child, the children’s pastor reaches out to the parents. Then, they have an open opportunity to speak with the parents, disciple, and lead them. Families are so important. In so many other areas of life, families are broken, but in the church, we can raise up fathers, mothers, and children as disciples of Jesus. 

According to this Barna study, parents are the most responsible for a child’s faith formation, but the church falls close behind in 2nd. So, as we consider church hires, this solidifies one of the 5 reasons you need to hire a full-time Children’s Pastor now.

3. You Are Investing in Souls

We shared Matthew 19:14 at the start of this article, “But Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me.'” Jesus cared about children. When the disciples tried to send the children away, Jesus pulled them close. A children’s pastor isn’t just taking care of little kids but investing in their souls. As we each embark on the mission Jesus gave us in Matthew 28 to “go and make disciples of all the nations,” we must remember that it includes children! Kids mean so much to God. 

When you take the time to invest in the souls of these children, you are partnering with the heart of God for the world. He cares for each person, no matter how old or young they may be. So, when you hire a full-time children’s pastor, you are investing in souls.

4. You Are Investing in Volunteers

Children’s ministry is often the area with the most volunteers in the church. Why? Because it takes a lot of people working together to make up a great children’s ministry. Some areas of ministry can work with a few, but children’s ministry is a partnership of many. When you hire a full-time children’s pastor, you are not just hiring a single person. You are investing in the many volunteers who serve the children of your church. You are putting valuable resources into their leader. When they have the time to focus on children’s ministry full-time, they also have the time and energy to invest in their volunteers. 

5. You Are Investing in Scalability

Your church cannot grow without Children’s Ministry. This may sound like a strong statement, but it’s true. If you don’t have a vital ministry for your church’s kids, you will not grow. People don’t just pick churches for their location or preaching style; they often choose churches that serve their families well. The strength of your kids’ ministry will determine the ability of your church to grow. In this Barna study, “Nearly two-thirds of children’s ministry leaders (64%) go so far as to strongly agree churches cannot grow without an effective children’s ministry.” Your growth strategy needs to start with your children’s ministry.

Make a Difference

I heard a story of a church in upstate New York that was declining. Their membership had dwindled from 1,000+ members to around 150. Then, they hired a full-time Children’s Pastor. She wasn’t just passionate about the children inside the four walls of the church, but she was serious about discipling the children in the community. After being hired, she had the time to create a Sunday morning bus program and would bus in 300+ children for their Sunday services. Any idea what happened next? The church so positively impacted the children that their families started coming too. The once-declining church had a sudden increase in attendance and is still growing today.

So, if you’re trying to decide whether or not to hire a full-time children’s pastor, do it. Don’t wait any longer. The children’s ministry is the future of your church and a significant part of what you do week in and week out. As you consider the hiring process, you can get some tips and tricks on writing a good job description here. Remember, you don’t want to hire just anybody, but you want to hire the best person for the job. Look for a children’s pastor passionate about kids, loves your church’s vision and mission, and cares for the local community. You want someone who can look beyond the four walls of your church and have a vision for the children of your area. As you consider these reasons, remember that prayer will show you when to hire and who to hire! And when you’re ready to make that step, let us help you find the perfect candidate for your church with this list of applicants on ChurchStaffing