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7 Keys to a Successful Job Posting

By September 29, 2021February 8th, 2024Hiring
successful job posting

We hear a lot about finding a “dream job,” but as an employer, are you doing everything that you can to attract your “dream employee”? Writing an effective and successful job posting is a science as well as an art, no matter what role you are recruiting for. It is the one opportunity you have to attract a candidate that will benefit your team culture.

Here are a few tips that can help you craft a successful job posting that exudes excellence and attracts quality candidates.


The first thing you will want to do is make sure that you have a clear and concise title. Someone should instantly recognize whether it’s a good fit or not but don’t try to say too much. “Assistant Children’s Director to the Campus Pastor” may be accurate, but it’s not a good title for an online posting. Make sure to summarize without losing important elements. The previous example then becomes “Assistant Children’s Director”.


Next, you will want to put together a job description. This should ideally be one page long. One paragraph is not enough information for candidates to understand what you are looking for, and you will miss out on organic traffic from searches. However, a three-page job description is too long; no one will read all of that! Aim to strike a balance between brevity and clarity.


For a successful job posting, be specific about what you are seeking in a candidate, and what the job requirements and duties will be. It is also a good idea to make a distinction between qualities that are more of a “bonus” and must-have qualities. This will help job seekers to know whether or not they should throw their hat in the ring and what your vision for the role/ministry is.

Bullet Points.

Communicate clearly by using bullet points to allow job seekers to quickly scan your position, to assess if it is a good fit. This may take some extra time on your point to organize and summarize and come up with headings, but it will pay off! Your description will be clear and the candidates you receive will have a better understanding of the job they are applying for.


A successful job posting is your chance as a potential employer to make an impression. Create a job posting that will make someone want to work for you by paying special attention to your words. It’s fine to simply make lists and be done with it. It’s better put a picture in candidate’s minds with your descriptions and get them excited about the opportunity to be a part of your organization.


Use synonyms and descriptors for the job title throughout the description, allowing job seekers to find you through keyword searches. For example, a “Teacher” position benefits by including terms: “education,” “children,” “kids,” and “school” throughout the post.


Professionally presenting your organization is key to attracting qualified candidates. Avoid any potential misunderstanding/misrepresentation by using grammar/spell-check tools and asking for critique. Allow trusted people to read your job posting. Ask them to keep in mind spelling, grammar, and all of the tips above.

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