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4 Tips to Succeed in Your Virtual Interview

By July 16, 2021February 19th, 2024Interview Advice, Job Search
Virtual Interview Tips
An in-person interview comes with a certain amount of stress. But when your interview is scheduled online, there are even more components to consider when you prepare. The importance of making a good impression in an interview cannot be understated. To help you make the best impression, here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Test Your Equipment beforehand.

Make sure that your webcam is working and angled properly, and that your mic is working. Give yourself as much time to resolve any potential issues as possible by testing these functions a day or more ahead of time. That way when the interview starts, you are ready to go!

2. Frame yourself and your background well.

Take some time to ensure that whatever is in your background is tidy and presentable. You’ll also want to make sure that the internet connection and lighting are favorable so that you can be seen. It’s also important to take note of the noise and traffic pollution in your home. If you have a family who lives with you, take the proper steps to make sure there aren’t people coming in and out of frame or causing a lot of noise during your interview.

3. Don’t forget all the typical interview standards.

While you won’t be able to wow anyone with your handshake, you should still take extra care to be attentive, ask good questions, wear something professional, take care of your hair and face, and be mindful of your facial expressions.

4. Be prepared to present past work.

It may be necessary for you to share your screen and show off your skills displayed in previous projects. Don’t be caught off guard by this! It will only require a few minutes to tidy up your desktop and create a folder of any files that you may want to reference for your interviewer. Interviewing can be a difficult process but a little preparation goes a long way! Don’t let the newness of an online atmosphere hold you back. When you follow this advice, it’s only a matter of time before you land the right job.
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