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Simple Tips for Churches Looking to Hire a Pastor

By July 16, 2021February 19th, 2024Hiring, Interview Tips

There are many churches looking for a pastor all over the world. When a church loses its senior pastor or youth pastor, it can be really difficult to know how to move forward. The pastor is often the lifeblood and center of a church. If a church does not belong to any specific denomination, it can be especially difficult to know how to move forward after the departure of the senior pastor. There are several tips that churches looking for pastors can follow to help make the transition of leadership as simple as possible.

Hire an Interim Pastor

Your congregation needs to have leadership even when there is a vacancy in the church body. For this reason, it is a good idea to hire an interim pastor while the church actively seeks out a new pastor for the congregation. The interim pastor should be someone that has some experience in leading a church body. He should probably be someone who is not interested in becoming the full-time pastor of the church. You should not hire someone on an interim basis that you are thinking about bringing on for full-time employment. Churches looking for a pastor need to have some leadership during the transition.

Take Your Time in Hiring a New Senior Pastor

Once you have an interim pastor in place, you can take your time in hiring a new senior pastor. One of the biggest mistakes that many congregations make is that they rush the process of hiring a new lead pastor. They do not hire an interim pastor, and then the congregation feels rushed to hire a new pastor. The process of finding a new shepherd to lead the flock can take up to a year or longer. The right preacher often stays at a church for many years, so make sure that you get this step right!

Post a Job Listing on a Church Staffing Website

There are specific job websites that specialize in job listings for churches. You can post an ad on these websites for people who are looking for pastor jobs. Most candidates who apply for jobs on these sites are actively looking for ministry jobs. Churches looking for a pastor usually get a good response from these sites.

Establish a Search Committee to Lead the Pastor Search

When the senior minister leaves, the church should establish a search committee that does all of the leg work in finding a new preacher. Churches looking for a pastor need to have a team of people that are dedicated to finding the right person for the job. These people will review resumes, interview candidates, check references, and do all of the leg work that is expected from the congregation when it is time to find a new pastor.

Make sure that the people on the search committee have the time to dedicate to this search. You do not want people that are working three jobs to be on the search committee! You need people that can spend a lot of time reviewing candidates and going over all of the details of the job search. Churches looking for a pastor should not include the interim pastor on the pastor search committee, as the interim pastor’s responsibility is not to help find a new pastor.

Take a Vote on the New Pastor

Every church is going to be a little different when it comes to choosing a new minister. If your church has specific bylaws and a constitution for hiring a new senior pastor, you should follow these guidelines. Once the leading candidate has been selected, the congregation should have a chance to vote on the new pastor. Make sure that everyone has an opportunity to voice any concerns they may have about the new candidate. Decide what percentage of the vote the candidate needs to get to become the new pastor.

Churches looking for a pastor can find the right candidate if they seek the Lord’s guidance and direction first as they search for a new pastor.

The best site for posting your vacant ministry position is right here.

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